Don't Have Time To Keep Your House As Clean As You Want? Try This!!
3/29/2016 (Permalink)

Most of us have very busy lives. Family life has changed so much in the last 20-30 years that it’s almost unrecognizable to an older generation. Gone are the days where a mother would stay at home and take care of her house and her family while her husband went to work and provided for the family’s financial needs. Most households now have both spouses working to provide financially for the family.
With the ever growing demand to get from place to place and to have our days constantly filled, how do you handle the chores at your house? We found this helpful chart on Pinterest. By breaking down normal household chores into daily, weekly, and monthly items, we found that it helps to make sure everything is accomplished without making anyone feel overwhelmed. Try it out and let us know what you think!
To print out your own copy of this chart, visit