What Few People Know About Water Damage Resulting From Plumbing Failure in Ocoee
12/23/2018 (Permalink)

The Risks of Aging Plumbing in Ocoee Homes
You might be among the many Ocoee homeowners who believe that houses do not get constructed as they used to and that tradecrafts are not as skilled as they might have once been. You might consider plumbing to be one of the trades that have gone the way of simpler setups and materials over the years, but this has become a reason that these networks of pipes have resisted deterioration and degradation. Aging plumbing might have been put in with great care, but these systems are only ever as strong as their weakest component.
While you can often troubleshoot a problem with the plumbing in your home before simple water damage in Ocoee turns into indoor flooding, these situations require almost the same degree of urgency. Saturation of exposed materials begins immediately when leaking water from a plumbing connection interacts with the walls, flooring, ceiling, or other material. Our SERVPRO professionals can help you to both identify the source of the problem and offer effective solutions to restore the damage that it has caused.
As pipes age, especially a variety like galvanized steel that was common in home construction before the 1960s, they can corrode or allow scaling and buildup to occur on the inside, reducing pressure to the fixtures. While you might experience a lower pressure at the faucet, the same or even heightened pressure exists where the water gets throttled down in the lines, which can lead to separations, leaks, ruptures, and other concerns. Our SERVPRO professionals can use leak detection equipment to identify the precise point of the problem to focus our efforts on removing the present moisture immediately.
You might not immediately recognize the signs of a plumbing issue, especially if this situation has existed since you moved in. If you encounter water damage or weakening structural components, you can always count on our SERVPRO of West Orange water restoration technicians to help you diagnose the problem and restore the damage it has caused. Give us a call today at (407) 352-1569.
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